
ThesesamplesshowcasedifferentarchitecturalapproachestodevelopingAndroidapps.Initsdifferentbranchesyou'llfindthesameapp(aTODOapp) ...,AsimpleTo-DoListapplicationdevelopedforAndroidusingJavaandSQLite.Theappallowsuserstocreatetasks,markthemasdone,editexistingtasks,and ...,Built(andfully-tested)usingGradleinAndroidStudioIDE.Abilitytomaintainatask-listwithdateinput,allentriesviewedinlistform.,Asimp...


These samples showcase different architectural approaches to developing Android apps. In its different branches you'll find the same app (a TODO app) ...


A simple To-Do List application developed for Android using Java and SQLite. The app allows users to create tasks, mark them as done, edit existing tasks, and ...


Built (and fully-tested) using Gradle in Android Studio IDE. Ability to maintain a task-list with date input, all entries viewed in list form.


A simple To-Do List Management App that helps you get things done. Built with Kotlin, it helps the user to add their task.


A fully functional Android ToDo app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose - wisnukurniawan/Compose-ToDo.


In this tutorial playlist, you'll learn how to create a robust TODO/Note App from scratch using the power of MVVM architecture and Room Database with Kotlin in ...


ToDo is an open source app created to provide minimalistic and intuitive experience for creating quick notes, memos and reminders.

ToDo App is a sample task management android ...

ToDo App is a sample task management android application built to demonstrate use of Kotlin, Clean MVVM Architecture, Android Jetpack Architecture Components ...

AmarjeetjeetToDoList: Android-TodoApp-Clean

Android Project: ToDoList MVVM + Hilt + Flow + Coroutine + RoomDatabase + Navigation Component + Clean Architecture App


The Android app SimpleDo let's you note down tasks and appointments by creating colorful cards with a text and an optional date. At the same time it is also ...